Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
medical students
Medical school is hard. We have worked endlessly to get here and we work even more just to stay here. The list of reasons why it is so challenging is long. We stress about the current work load in the classroom or clinic, the future residency or career we have not yet obtained, and our past experiences or grades that may keep us from meeting these goals.
As if that is not enough, we have relationships to feed, family to nurture, and service or occupational responsibilities to fulfill. Mix it all together with little sleep, high expectations and the occasional public mistake and you have the perfect recipe for burnout or depression. The study authors state, "Medical students experience depression, burnout, and mental illness at a higher rate than the general population, with mental health deteriorating over the course of medical training."
Medical students are stubborn. We want to put forth the image that we can hold up the world even when everything inside is falling apart. Worry that peers, residencies or future employers will view oneself as inadequate if depressed simply compounds the problem. Rather than seek needed assistance, students will flounder alone to avoid stigmatization.As students, we can carry a lot on our shoulders, but this does not mean we have to do it alone. Medical school is intended to be difficult, because one day we will be responsible for the health of someone else. This education is difficult and can often lead to depression among students. If you need it, take time now to heal yourself so that you can function at your optimal level later. Hands down, this is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. It is also one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Focus on the positive and hang in there, you can do it.
Joshua Batt medical student
Touro University Nevada College of Osteopathic Medicine,Las Vegas,Nevada
very true...:)
Monday, December 27, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
2010 最惊心动魄的场面
在实习的期间,被医生临时叫去procedure room,目睹了这病人的伤口。
在搞不清楚情况下,还被医生当场考了考:" what you can see from this wound?"...
"erhhh..tendons are tearing off and pulsation of artery..."吓呆了。
"Now,hold the hand,and nurse,assist him and clean the wound"
花了不少时间 洗了伤口,打了止痛药和ATT,包扎好了就送病人去surgical 了。
2010- 至今还是搞不懂的东西
与CT scan 永远沟通不了,smiling face,crying face...congestion?...一头雾水。
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Hmm,not a good start,she couldn't even draw a nice ECG waves.
and she forgot some leads correspond to the site of infaction.
she started murmuring,was looking for help from her colleagues..
the specialist started yawning...
" semua doctor baru inilah yg dari oversea,mesti pergi travel sana sini masa holiday,tak study baik-baik.i wonder how you all pass your exam?"specialist started rumbling.
"which uni are you from?"(what?!is she talking to me...")....
"Russia,doctor..."everyone was waiting my answer.
after that,the hall back to quiet again..
am i making the atmostphere worse...
"now you can see how your senior perform here ahh,makesure you study properly before you'll meet me next time" she warning me?....
i just smiled and nodded my head and better kept quiet..
i wanted to run away,but i know i have to face it.
this event happened in the last few months.
this is still a shock for me,i didn't believe those bad comments about russian graduates
Until i saw a scene like that...
Here we used to say:"chill...don't worry too much"
"skip whenever you don't understand.tomorrow you won't be asked about this question...
don't simply answer,or else your marks will be spoiled...
make your teacher happy,be her favorite student...
Don't worry,seniors have notes and answer for the test..
just memorize the answer and get an excellent mark...
and continue enjoy your life here in Russia.
"we are still learning...HO is just a period of training,after that we will slowly adapt in malaysia lah!Chill man...."
"what you scare of?we can overcome russian language,the largest barrier,the biggest culture shock in life,you think you can't overcome criticism in Msia?"
if you keep telling someone like this,
don't you think you need to stop it?
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
12月21日 冬至的前一天 早就邀了朋友一起动手做汤圆。
也叫了异族朋友也一起搓汤圆 看到那一份凝聚力 还真不错
过去在家并没有特别向往冬至 来到russia 才倍感佳节的意义
冬至 特别乐于搓汤圆,看到汤圆浮起来 华润的感觉!
里头还 含着花生!
听说 冬至是冬天里最寒冷的一天
虽然温度只有2度(还不是最冷!) 但真的很暖胃!
Monday, December 20, 2010
today is the second last day of obstetrics,until this time,i would say that it's not boring because it's exciting to witness how obstetricians save 2 lives at one i saw another cesarean section operation.
The 42-week fetus with 4.2kg(overweight) and brow presentation,is detected having distress syndrome and severe bradycardia,termination of pregnancy has to be done as cesarean section urgently.
During the operation,everyone is overwhelmed by stressfulness seeing our lazy buddy still want to stay inside her mother's womb.our teacher was trying so hard to push her out,it can't take long time because the baby is distressed inside.
After the hard push on fundus by our great teacher,the baby is borned!How Great~:)
i love seeing the new life is born...
but if anyone asks me to become an obstetrician,hmmm....think again...
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
勇气是要有准备的 你准备好了吗?
有一天 尽管是尽头的另一端 你也会跨过去 拥有蔚蓝的天空!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
i kept quiet for few minutes.
anyone could make me love obstetrics?...
trying hard..sigh..